Open Innovation Programme


@iBizAfrica’s Open Innovation Program provides the opportunity for start-ups previously incubated to be reintegrated into the ecosystem in a framework that will increase the likelihood of success. The process will involve a series of experiments and experiential learning components geared towards reengineering and developing customer centric & flexible business models. This support program for start-ups is aimed at enhancing the exit plans of start-ups after being incubated. The program seeks to design business strategic plans, understand and mitigate the bottlenecks to successful continuation of start-ups post incubation.

Course Duration

The course will be delivered over a period of 3 months and each class will have upto 10 entrepreneurs.

Startup Modules

The Open Innovation Programme is a unique course which will examine the real-world operational challenges and risks associated with sustaining your venture as you continue to navigate the dynamic startup ecosystem. The focus is on creating tailored made pathways for our entrepreneurs. The modules will be delivered by our in house mentors and trainers through active learning, demonstrations, practice, reflections and case studies. It will cover;

  1. Human Centred Design
  2. Customer Developmente
  3. Business Model Development
  4. Communication
  5. Entry to Market Strategies